Portal for Watching
METweb CCTV live-feed, NEC auto color monitor
At Some Distance in the Direction Indicated,
Butler Gallery, 2018, installation view
In the monitor a live-feed CCTV was being transmitted from a camera owned by Met Éireann - allowing us to glimpse into the privately-owned landscape surrounding Johnstown Castle, Co.Wexford, home to a Synoptic Automatic Weather Station. Synoptic Automatic Weather Stations operate instruments that collect meteorological information at precisely timed intervals. Many communal spaces are watched over by web cameras, and their publicly-accessed live images offer viewers a partial experience of being there. In contrast, neither the viewing perspective offered by this stationary webcam or the space itself is accessible to the general public. Rather, the artwork provides a remotely-controlled glance into the site.
Kindly supported by The Arts Council of Ireland’s Project Award (2017).